Publisher: 二十一世纪出版社
This book works at its best with Codybook
Langlang Chinese-Panda PinYin
分类:启蒙 小学 中学 大学/成人 ,短期/特色,简体
Course Category: Kindergarten Elementary Mid-High School College / Adult , Short Term Course, Simplified Chinese
Course Category: Kindergarten Elementary Mid-High School College / Adult , Short Term Course, Simplified Chinese
- 课本Textbook
- 互动CD-ROMInteractive CD-ROM
- 在线课程Online Interactive Course
If you learn how to pronounce initials ,finals and different tones ,you will be able to pronounce all of chinese syllables and almost all Chinese words correctly. Panda pinyin can help you not only speak Chinese correctly ,but also type Chinese on computer .