Introduction of Registration and Taking of HSK
posted at  2011-07-22 01:33  Boris
HSK, as the most famous test for the non-Chinese learners to asses their ability of applying Chinese language in their daily lives and work, has attracted more and more people to join it. For those people who want to join this test, the registration details would be useful.
About Applicants of HSK
HSK (Basic) applies to those learners with the basic Chinese proficiencies, namely, those who have taken 100 to 800 hours of regular modern Chinese learning (including those with the equivalent learning experiences). HSK (Elementary-Intermediate) is for those who are at the elementary and intermediate level in Chinese proficiency, i.e. those who have taken 400-2000 regular hours of modern Chinese courses (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard). The HSK (Advanced) is designed to measure the Chinese proficiency of those who are proficient in Chinese, i.e. who have taken 3000 regular hours or more modern Chinese learning (including those whose proficiency in Chinese is similar to that standard).
HSK Registration
Currently HSK has been offered in 17 countries or regions around the world including Japan, Korea, Singapore, Canada, the United States, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Russia, Britain, Vietnam, New Zealand. Macao. In China, approved test centers or agencies have been established in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Jinan, Qingdao, Xi'an, Wuhan,Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanning, Xiamen, Guilin, Kunming, Urumqi and Hong Kong (the address of these test centers is given in the User Handbook). There will be more test centers established both in China and outside China. Candidates may find the most convenient test center to register.
Registration Procedures and Regulations
Applicants for HSK need to make preparation for the following materials:
(1) Two recent 30 x 40 mm photos without head wear and a photo-bearing identification, such as a passport or residence permit.

(2) The appropriate fees for the test and registration (fees may differ for tests administered in different countries; you need to contact the test center for details). In China, it is 200 RMB for HSK Basic (including 70 RMB for the registration fee); and 250 RMB for HSK Elementary-Intermediate (including 70 RMB for the registration fee) and 400 RMB for HSK Advanced (including 70 RMB for the registration fee) (as to fees to be paid in other countries or by students of ethnic minorities, please contact local test centers). Fees for the test and registration are non-refundable. And postage is included in the fees. When a candidate cannot take the test in time due to some insurmountable reasons and notifies in advance the test center at which he registered before the test date, with the approval of the center (with the signature and stamp of the center), one test opportunity will be retained for the candidate and he or she will only pay the registration fee if he takes the next test in the future.

(3) A candidate who are not near to a test center may register by mail and should send the following:
a) a copy of the identification paper;
b) a resume to include name, sex, nationality, date of birth and address;
c) two recent 30 x 40 photos without head wear;
d) fees for the test and registration in the form of money order.

All applications must be sent by registered mail at least one week before the registration deadline. No registration may be made by telephone. Candidates will be given admission tickets and the HSK User Handbook (free of charge). Candidates must report to the testing room according to the time and place written on the admission ticket. The admission ticket will not be mailed in case it should get lost. It will be given to the foe candidate upon arrival at the testing site.

It is important for all the candidates taking the test to be familiar with the User Handbook, which contains complete information about test taking.

The HSK Guide, sample test papers and a key, accompanied by a cassette tape recording of the listening section of the sample test are available in all the test centers or agencies. Candidates are responsible for purchasing them directly from the test centers.

Taking HSK
a) To be admitted to the test center, every examinee will be required to present the admission ticket and an official identification such as a passport or residence permit bearing a recognizable photograph.

b) Pencils, erasers and a watch are the only items permitted in the test center.